Everything changes. Right now it feels like my life has changed so much that it’s hard to recognize the guideposts anymore. My beloved friend and neighbor is gone. My home no longer feels like home, and I am journeying somewhere new. A new story is beginning to take shape in a new place.
Everything is new.
There are moments of fear amidst all these changes. Sometimes the shadows seem bigger than I am. But in my heart, in that quiet, peaceful center, I believe I’m on the right path.
My dear friend dying set me free finally to go where I needed to go. I’d known my destination for a while now, but I’d stayed where I was to be with her. Now it’s time to fly and live the new dream, believe in the new story.
Happiness is believing.
It’s said all it takes is a child’s belief to make miracles and magic happen. I need the belief of a child right now. The kind that comes from knowing that this moment is the new story and that all is unfolding with grace in perfect order. To the shadows on the wall, I say, “I believe. I trust.”
I trust in all who are supporting me, all who are leading me. And I am grateful. Never before have I had so many wonderful friends and supporters in my life as I start this new story, as I embark on these new adventures.
What are you needing to believe in right now? What are your shadows, and what do you need to say to them?
I say simply to my shadows once again: “I believe.”
Image courtesy of 9comeback at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Be brave and enjoy your new adventure, sugar! It’s all about listening to your heart. 🙂