A wise friend recently told me something I’ve heard (even said myself) a thousand times, but this time I really heard it. You know. The light bulb went on big time.
I’ve talked about happiness being a choice. Heck, I’ve talked about trust being a choice.
The truth is everything is a choice.
In talking about a current life lesson I was going through, my friend said I needed to decide. She’d just done a similar thing in her situation. Later I was reading some inspiring reflections, and I came across the same words. It said I need to decide what I wanted and what I didn’t want.
That evening I spent over an hour simply saying, “I decide X,” and “I choose Y.” It was empowering. I highly recommend it.
Happiness is hearing it.
I’ve grown up enough to know blaming others for something I don’t have simply isn’t the truth. I am responsible for my life and my feelings. I also know I’m not the victim of anything. I choose how I want to view my experience, how I live my life.
So, I’m keeping it simple again. Life is a matter of choice. As we crest into the new year, I can’t think of a more appropriate exercise. Choose the life you want. Review all the places you don’t feel like you’re choosing something (this is usually the junky stuff we need to let go of). I’ve made an inventory of my life, and I feel ready and able to take the next step into manifesting more of the life I truly want, the life I deserve.
Decide for yourself and let the support come in. Boldly move forward in the direction of your dreams. Claim your prize. Life is yours. It always has been and always will be. The more I change mine based on my choices, the more I realize how truly powerful we are. How absolutely limitless our possibilities.
My oldest friend from high school and college says she simply can’t believe how much I have changed since I was that fourteen-year-old girl she first met.
Anything is possible.
Choose possible.
I am.
Image courtesy of Keattikorn at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
As always, a valuable life lesson. We all learn so much from you!