Are there things in your life you feel like you’ve been waiting for? Working toward? Striving for?
If so, well, I hear you. I have a list of those things too. And I’m tired of it. Tired of thinking I have to wait, work more, strive harder.
Happiness is Saying Now.
I am ready for them. I want them. I deserve them. Now.
I’m done waiting. I’m done trying to earn them. It’s time for them to magically show up.
I had lunch with another writer friend recently, and she said something that really sparked a truth in me. When we were discussing the growth of my books, she said I had decided to be successful and that’s why it happened. And she’s right.
I didn’t leave my old career thinking this wouldn’t work out. Of course, I had fear and bad days and it took some time for things to grow for sure. Sometimes I did wonder what was going to happen. But I never once stopped saying I was going to do what I was doing—no matter what. I was willing to sell my house and find a smaller place. Pick up consulting work from the old career. I wasn’t going to stop being a writer and writing books.
I have a couple of things on my outstanding list I have selected. For the past few weeks, I have been saying Now. I am ready. I’m going to have this no matter what.
What’s on your list?
Join me. Pick a couple of things and really set the intention with me to receive it now. Leave aside how it will show up or in what form. Then open your arms to receive.
We deserve it.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
Great words of wisdom! Wish I had read them about twenty years ago, but I think I found that path anyway. Sometimes you just have to take that first step! I’m sure your thoughts will help many who are holding back. T