This week I came across a term I had never seen before, but it suited me to a tee.
Yes, you heard that right. I love to roll around in the grass, especially down a hill. I used to do it a lot when I was a kid, and truth be told, sometimes, I was rolling down a snowy hill, but you get the picture.
This old inspiration struck me some months ago, and since then, if I see a fabulous grassy hill and the mood comes upon me, I simply run up it and roll down, laughing the entire way.
Some people watching might think I’m crazy. Others have commented that it looks fun. Still more said they’re going to give it a try.
Whenever I do this, it makes me happy. I feel like a little kid again, unconcerned about people’s opinions, completely in the moment, finding delight wherever it takes me.
Happiness is Simple Things.
I could name other simple things that work for me. Playing with a yo-yo. Skipping. Throwing rocks into a river.
Sometimes we make being happy so big. It has to involve a big promotion or accomplishment. But there are happy moments to be had that need no fanfare. Kids know this and are our greatest teachers.
Get in touch with that kid you used to be. What simple things made you the happiest? Then give it a go. Do something simple. I’ll bet you’re surprised at how happy it makes you.
Image courtesy of tungphoto at
You are a beautiful and free spirit who will continue to lead all of us who know you to happiness! I love this freedom of spirit , and will mentally roll down every hill with you whenever I see one …my bones won’t work that way anymore, but my mind does! Thanks for reminding us we still hold the spirit of our childhood, and thanks for leading us to being as happy as we can be!