Lately all of my old roots to people and places have been torn up. I have to be honest and say it’s been a little scary. I embrace change, but part of me longs for the comfort and safety of things past—even though they aren’t the same anymore.
Life is a series of changes, and I’m trying not to resist the ones where I really can’t see where I’m headed. Have you ever turned on the right road, but it hasn’t looked familiar? For a moment, you wonder if you’re on the right road, and you consider turning around. That’s how it’s been for me. Thankfully, I have lots of support to help me keep moving down this new road—even when I’m trembling.
With all these changes, I’ve had to dig a little deeper to anchor in happiness because deep down I realized what happiness really is.
Happiness is soul food.
Being happy feeds my soul when I feel all my roots torn up and set in a new place, when the roots are just starting to spread and aren’t yet sure of the land I find myself on. Our soul needs feeding in these times of tremendous change.
Here’s my top ten ways of calling in happiness in such times.
1. Pillow Fights
2. Jumping on the Bed
3. Champagne Picnics With Pie
4. Walking in Nature
5. Creating New Playlists and Singing
6. Dancing
7. Grounding
8. Dreaming Bigger
9. Accepting All Invitations
10. Driving in the Dark and Shining the Light
You might notice some themes here. Some of these actions feed the inner child, some the mystical woman, and some the brave warrior. I am all of these—and likely you are too, if you’re being honest.
What feeds your soul right now? Make a list and join me in actualizing them more in your day-to-day.
Image courtesy of digitalart at
Okay despite the fact that I started this post expecting a recipe for something like fried chicken (I’m from the south…soul food means something very specific down here!), I LOVE this idea. So, some of the things that feed my soul
1. Hammock naps (when the weather finally cooperates and is pleasant).
2. Hot tea.
3. A good, funny romance.
4. Seeing people enjoy my cooking.
5. Getting to hang with my favorite writer peeps.
6. Pasture walks with the dogs (they get to go off-leash, and it’s much more relaxed than our morning “this is for exercise” walk). We haven’t been able to do these in several months due to the heat.
7. Puppy cuddles (despite the fact that the puppy is getting ginormous and barely fits in my lap anymore)
8. Belting Broadway tunes in the kitchen while I cook
9. Quiet.
10. Solitude.
You forgot to include digging in a garden! I just KNOW that must be part of your happiness too…..its food for the eyes!