Some of you may have realized that I didn’t write a blog last week. I had family arrive, was feeling rushed, and had that moment of decision: do I keep the madness going or do I say STOP?
Happiness is stopping. For once.
It’s so easy to get into the busyness of life, isn’t it? All of the daily tasks, errands, and dare I add? obligations. Why don’t we give ourselves permission to stop more? I had to ask myself last week: really, what’s the worst thing that could happen if I missed one week writing The Happiness Corner? Isn’t the whole point of The Happiness Corner to be happy? Jeez! And here I was trying to fit it in. Push it. Rush it.
Sound familiar? Can I hear an Amen?
How often do we say or hear others say, “I’m just crazy busy. Don’t get enough sleep. Never have enough time.” Why don’t we all STOP?
I think the pre-school teachers were onto something when they came up with the whole “time out” thing. But I want to flip it on its head. Instead of “punishing” ourselves by taking a time out for bad behavior, why don’t we honor ourselves instead? Just stop for one second, one minute, one hour, one day, or in my case, one week. Just stop.
We don’t do it enough.
So, I’m putting it out there. Happiness is stopping. I had a brilliant evening with my visiting family and didn’t give the delayed blog post another thought. What could you “stop” doing right now? What could be delayed, delegated, or even kicked to the curb?
Join with me right now. Just stop. Take a breath. And make a new choice.
After the relief comes, I’ll bet you’ll start feeling happier right away.
Image courtesy of sritangphoto /
Easier said than done sometimes, but you are right we all need to take a break from everything once in a while. When my children were little I never did this, but wished I had. Now that they are older it is much easier to a point, just don’t pick a book because that’s when they need Thank you for sharing.