Think about it. When we make a meal with love and intention, we create a work of art. We transform an array of disparate ingredients into something whole and completely new. That’s magic.

Then, we share our feast with ourselves and others. We’re connected and nurtured through the very act of eating and sharing a meal. Like the food we savor, we’re transformed.

Let’s feast!

Rolling out the good stuff ~ for the love of food

Happiness is Celebrating Another Year - It’s my birthday, and while I have always said I was young at heart—the key to never feeling older—I realized I needed to honor the wisdom I’ve acquired… Keep reading...
Happiness is Confirmation - Sometimes life simply boggles the mind in the best way possible. Just this past week, I came to a huge decision about the direction my life needed to… Keep reading...
Happiness is Cocktails - Or I could call this post, How "Mad Men" Saved Cocktails. But first, let me welcome back everyone to the HUNGRY HEARTS HOLIDAY HOP where we're celebrating the New… Keep reading...
Happiness is Parties - Okay, so there's little that I like better than parties. And by that I mean, the small, intimate ones where you know most of the people and can… Keep reading...

For Breakfast ~ from my own kitchen & novels

Gingerbread waffles recipe polaroid
Pumpkin Chocolate Bread recipe polaroid
Magic Buttermilk Muffins recipe polaroid

For Dinner ~ if you’re feeling a little adventurous

Chicken Fricassee recipe polaroid

For Fun ~ my favorite cocktail of all time

Boris Karloff cocktail recipe polaroid