Reviewers are calling Ava's new nonfiction book, “A life-changing journey;" "A must-read;" and "An exquisite exploration" of "Empowering advice"—perfect for our times—to show readers how to overhaul the false power ruining their lives and reclaim their true power—their superpower—to live their best life.
Do you remember the last time you believed you could do anything? When you were your own superhero—strong and capable and in charge of your life?
Many of us were plugged into our true power in childhood, but it was disconnected as we grew up and graduated as adults in our communities, the work force, and our relationships.
Now current events have kicked us in the gut and plunged us into new depths of powerlessness. Never before have we needed to relearn and reclaim our true power.
Ava worked with top leaders in the world’s greatest power centers, formulating plans to rebuild war zones and implementing them on the ground. Through her work, she learned true power creates a better life; false power destroys it. Her ring-side seat to zero-sum power led her to search for a new kind: true, instinctive personal power.
In Reclaim Your Superpowers, Ava guides us through the steps she took to reclaim her own life, going from a rat-race professional to an international bestselling author living her dream life from zero-to-sixty.
This cutting-edge guide gives you a practical blueprint on:
- The ins and outs of real personal power
- Diving into your fears and misuses around power
- How to assess where you’re using false power and getting nowhere
- Spotlight Tools to identify the origin stories holding you back
- Take Back Tools to reconnect you to your true power
- Super Tools to tease out your winning traits to plan and manifest what you really want
It’s time to take back your power—your superpowers. It’s time to start living your best life.
Reclaim Your Superpowers is part of The Lost Guides to Living Your Best Life series, a complete system to help us reclaim the nine superpowers essential to rocking life.
Nonfiction Reviews
“Ava gives us the tools we need to reclaim our everyday joy and honest expression. Rediscover my inner superpowers? Yes, please! The Lost Guides are a world changer. Well done, Ava.” ~ International Bestseller and Kung Fu Master Kathia Zolfaghari
“A life-changing journey every woman will want to take.” ~ Crystal Andrus Morissette, Founder of the S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer)
“Miles’ series is an exquisite exploration of internal discomfort and courage, allowing you to reclaim your divine soul and fully express your womanhood. I highly recommend.”
~ Dr. Shawne Duperon, Project Forgive Founder, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, on The Lost Guides
“Miles provides us with essential advice on how we can shed the beliefs that are making us miserable and find our way back to our inner goddesses… She guides us through the sometimes turbulent waters of the issues that matter most to us (relationships, sex, finances, self-expression, self-image, etc.). This is must read…” ~ Angela Polidoro, former Editor for Random House’s Ballantine Bantam Dell
“Pushing the envelope is edgy. Change is never comfortable. Ava Miles takes us out of our comfortable chitchat cocoon and shows us how to become those butterflies all women are destined to become no matter what they face in life. The series is a must-read.” ~ Risa Shimoda, Outdoor Leadership Consultant and President of The Shimoda Group, on The Lost Guides
“Let your adventure begin and unleash by reading this series.” ~ Anna Levesque, author of Yoga for Paddling, on The Lost Guides
“This series delivers empowering advice without pulling any punches.”
~ Liza M. Shaw, MA, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist of PowerToThrive.com, on The Lost Guides
“Ava Miles is a courageous fellow writer whose mission is to empower all women.”
~ Aspen Matis, author of the internationally bestselling memoir Girl in the Woods
“Ava gets to the heart of why some of us do toxic or hang around drama while helping us all realize we can have happy and loving relationships that don’t clutter up our space or make us sick.”
~ Courtney Cachet, Celebrity Designer & TV Personality