Having just watched an interview with Paulo Coehlo, the author of the acclaimed book, THE ALCHEMIST, I can attest that I agree with him that the universe has its own language, which it is all too eager to share with each of us.
How else are we supposed to know where to go and what to do next?
I’ve always believed in signs. You know what I’m talking about. You see a certain word on a billboard, on a bumper sticker, or even on TV that confirms something you’ve been thinking about. Or you have a conversation with someone who just happens to have information about things you’ve been wondering about. This just happened to a friend of mine. The minute she decided to go to Paris, she encountered three strangers in three days who all had just been there.
Among my friends, we say, “You can’t make that sh## up.”
Today I was grocery shopping, and I had another sign that happiness is a choice—and one of the most important ones I can make. I asked the checker how her day was going. She immediately responded with a smile and told me it was wonderful. She woke up. She’s here. She’s doing what she’s supposed to do. She’s happy.
Simple, right?
We started talking, and without knowing I write about happiness every week, she starts to tell me she’s made the choice to be happy. Every day. That it’s one of the most important decisions she’s ever made. She also went onto say some people don’t understand that.
I was listening to someone confirm everything I am writing about here.
A sign.
Recently, things haven’t been all daisies and buttercups. There’s been some family drama, some painful conversations, and again the search for love through it all. Oh, and yeah, choosing happiness even though I didn’t want to jump up and down every moment of the day like usual.
That’s okay. We honor where we are, but we can also choose to rise above it. We can’t control other people’s feelings, words, or even actions, but we can choose how we will respond and how we will live our lives.
I’m so grateful to this woman today. She was heaven-sent for sure, another sign I am on the right track, choosing happiness.
What signs are you seeing right now? Who is bringing them to you? If you don’t feel like you know, just choose your own intention: I am willing to start seeing signs right now.
Now, step back and wait for it. Big things are about ready to happen that will lift you up and take you to new shores, happy shores. How great is that?
Image courtesy of ntwowe at FreeDigitalPhotos.net